What can RigPass teach us about security?

Our RigPass Training in Midland contains several topics related to security in the oilfield. We want everyone to be trained to recognize security risks and avoid them. Here are some examples of security risks that RigPass teaches about, including suspicious persons, drug and alcohol avoidance, contraband, and active shooter preparation.

Suspicious Persons

While on location it is important to remain aware of other workers and what they are doing. During RigPass we teach that if you see a suspicious person, because they are not wearing normal oilfield clothing or they have not checked in the normal way, then either report this person to security or your supervisor right away. This person may be an unwitting visitor who needs some help or this may be a genuine criminal. Since there is no way to know the difference and a criminal could harm you, do not attempt to confront the person.

Drug and Alcohol

RigPass training enforces that you make sure to follow the drug and alcohol policy for your company when working in the oilfield. When following a drug and alcohol policy for your company, it’s important to remember that your actions are your responsibility. You will be given a clear policy for what is and isn’t acceptable, it helps all parties involved better understand the expectations and minimize risk. When these expectations are understood, the results are better, and the work environment is more pleasant.

Additionally, all testing should be documented and there should be a specific protocol for testing outlined. Sometimes, the drug testing facility will have its own protocol which is important to note when you check the policy. Make sure to report any prescription medications you are taking in accordance with your company policy. This policy is not specifically given during RigPass training so you will need to receive it from your company. The policy will direct you to the person you need to report to and any forms you need to use. Make sure to transport any prescription or over the counter drugs in their original container in case of an inspection so that the auditor knows what they are. Follow your company policy and report the use of any over the counter, non-prescription medication. These drugs may have side-effects such as drowsiness. Never take another person’s prescription drug, this can cause an unsafe condition or make you fail a drug test.


We also cover prohibited items during RigPass training. Prohibited items may not be brought onto company property nor should you transport them in any vehicles. Items that are generally prohibited universally include: firearms, ammunition, clubs, illegal drugs, alcohol, lighters and matches, explosives, and firearm accessories. Many companies have a “zero-tolerance” policy for banned items, which means you will be banned from the property if you are discovered to be holding any prohibited item. Workers from the oilfield are often familiar with and own hunting knives and firearms. This can cause problems when the oil company lease rules ban weapons from the lease and the workers are unaware of the rules. Most operators have restrictions on possessing weapons at the worksite including bans on weapons stored in personal vehicles. Knife standards can be particularly confusing because they are used both as tools and restricted as weapons at the same time. To keep from running afoul of the lease rules, make sure to list the knife on the JSA/JHA and consider the length based on the rules and regulations. In Texas, a blade longer than 5.5″ is considered a weapon due to state law, although operator rules may restrict blade length down to 3.75″. Always follow the stricter rule to keep safe and in compliance. Never take weapons or ammunition, including items such as clubs and large knives that are sometimes considered weapons, to the wellsite.

Active Shooter Awareness

Does RigPass training include active shooter protocols. Yes, we cover active shooter information during our Midland RigPass training. According to the FBI: an active shooter is an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people. The FBI recommends those affected in an active shooter situation follow a RUN/HIDE/FIGHT protocol:

  • RUN: Wherever you go, be aware of alternate exits. Quickly and cautiously evacuate in a direction away from the attacker. Don’t hesitate. Seconds matter. Remember windows and emergency exits. Leave belongings behind. Keep your empty hands raised and clearly visible when exiting a building. Follow all instructions from the police. Don’t stop until you’re sure you’ve reached a safe location.114
  • HIDE: If there is no safe escape route, find a good hiding place. Lock and barricade the door. Silence cell phones. Prepare a defense plan.
  • FIGHT: Fight only as a last resort. Use available objects as improvised weapons. Use teamwork and surprise. A coordinated ambush can incapacitate an attacker. You’re fighting for your life. Don’t fight fair!
  • STOP THE BLEED: A victim can die of uncontrolled blood loss in 5 minutes or less. Apply pressure or a tourniquet to control severe bleeding.

These security topics are all very serious and we want our students to be well-prepared to confront them in the real world. The RigPass orientation is a wonderful way to introduce oil and gas workers to safety and security topics that they will need to be aware of out in the oilfield. Make sure to sign up for the next RigPass class in Midland today!