Midland Fire Watch Training
(Includes Incipient Fire)
(Includes Fire Extinguisher)
Cost: $120
Duration: 3 Hours
This three hour Fire Watch combination course which includes Incipient Fire with Fire Extinguisher training. This is ideal for for workers tasked with hot work or fire watch duties.
Schedule Combined Fire Watch training in Midland from the course calendar below or by calling (432) 203-8332 or email the office.
Take the class online by going to www.oilfield.training/p/incipient-fire

Click on a service below for the online calendar and registration form.
What is a fire watch?
A fire watch is a temporary action that is taken to ensure an acceptable degree of human safety when hazardous circumstances are present in a facility or building. A fire watch is not a preventative measure; it is merely a compensation one. The purpose of fire watch is to make it possible for people to continue living in a building or facility even if it would not be suitable for them to do so for the amount of time necessary to perform the needed modifications or repairs. It is the responsibility of the fire watch to conduct routine searches of the whole building to identify any potential threats to life or property caused by fire or other hazards.
Working of fire watch:
A building inspection will be carried out by the Safety, Regulatory, and Environmental Compliance Section if it is decided that a fire watch is required. The duration of time and the number of people needed for the fire watch are going to be determined by the size and layout of the building, the hours that the business is open, and any other unique dangers. The Safety, Regulatory, and Environmental compliance department will communicate the news to the relevant departments that a fire watch has been formed.
Practices for fire watch:
Given below are the best practices for fire watch that need to be taken under consideration:
- Fire watchers must always read the conditions indicated on the hot work permit, ensure that they fully understand them, and adhere to them at all times.
- Conduct a safety check of the working environment both before and after each workday to look for any signs of the discharge of flammable materials or fumes.
- Keep things that might catch fire far away from any sources of ignition.
- Ensure that fire watchers are keeping in contact with the local employees.
- If you discover a risk, you must immediately put a stop to all operations.
- It is important to be aware of the direction in which the wind is blowing to predict where sparking and fire hazards may blow.
- When hot work is being performed, you should never leave the work area. If you have to leave, the work must be halted, and the employees must be informed.
- After each shift, make sure that all of the firefighting equipment is returned to the storage area where it is kept permanently.
The role of a fire watcher is an important one that has the potential to save lives, avoid injuries, and protect property. They must get training on a variety of subjects, such as how to use fire extinguishers, the risks associated with performing fire watch responsibilities, how to properly utilize personal protection equipment, and other similar issues. Fire watchers contribute to the protection of others around them by maintaining a state of vigilance, performing the duties that have been assigned to them, and keeping combustible things away from sources of ignition.